How to Replace an Exterior Door Without Frame

April 8, 2024

By: The Finished Space

Replacing Exterior Door: Options Without Frame Replacement

1 panel black exterior double doors

Are you considering replacing your exterior door without replacing the frame? You’re not alone. 

Fortunately, it’s much easier than you might think!

In this article, we’ll explore exterior doors without frames and explain how you can refresh your home’s entryway without replacing the whole thing.

Let’s get started.

The Basic of Exterior Door Frames

An exterior door frame is the structural support that surrounds and secures the door to your home. It includes the threshold, jambs, and often a header, which are all crucial for the door’s alignment and stability. 

Traditionally, door frames are designed to accommodate the specific size and style of the door, ensuring a tight seal against weather elements and enhancing security.

In most homes, door frames are built to last and are capable of supporting several door replacements over their lifespan. However, there’s a significant difference in installation methods between pre-hung doors and slab doors, especially considering how one option comes with a frame, and the other doesn’t. 

Replacing an Exterior Door Without Replacing the Frame

Can you just buy an exterior door without the frame? Absolutely. All you have to do is purchase a slab door, which comes without a doorframe. This is ideal if your existing frame is in good condition but you still want to update or replace the door for aesthetic or functional reasons.

Now, to the more important question: Can you replace an exterior door without replacing the frame? Yes, you can. This approach is not only possible but also beneficial. It allows you to maintain the authenticity and integrity of your home, especially in older buildings where the original frame complements the architectural style.

If you want to install a new door without replacing your doorframe, you must first assess the condition of your existing frame and ensure the new door is a perfect fit. Factors like door size compatibility and the type of door (solid core vs. hollow core) may play significant roles in this, so be sure to do your research!

How to Install an Exterior Door Without a Frame

Ready to install your new door? It’s a straightforward process that can dramatically update the look and feel of your home. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a first-timer, these step-by-step instructions will guide you through the process of installing an exterior door without replacing the existing frame.

Step One: Measure the Door

One of the worst mistakes possible is ordering the wrong door size, which is why getting correct measurements is extremely important.

Start by measuring the existing frame. Measure the width and height of the exterior door from the inside of the frame, and remember to check the depth of the frame to ensure your new door will fit seamlessly into it.

If, however, you are ordering your door by having it pre-machined, you will want to also measure the hinge, hinge locations, and the lockset locations on the door to esure that the new door properly fits into the existing door frame.

Once you have the measurements, double-check them to avoid errors that could affect the installation process. 

Step Two: Choose a New Door

This is the exciting part! You get to shop for a new exterior door that matches the style of your current frame.

At Metrie, we offer a wide range of exterior doors in various designs and materials so you can find the perfect match for your home’s aesthetic. When choosing your door, try to keep the following qualities in mind:

  • Insulation

  • Weather Resistance

  • Durability

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Design

  • Curb Appeal

Keeping these qualities in mind helps ensure your door is made of high-quality materials and adds value to your home.

Step Three: Remove the Old Door

Carefully remove the existing door from the frame.

Typically you have to unscrew the hinges and gently lift the door out of its position. The most important part of this step is removing the door without damaging the frame or the hinge holes within the door frame itself.

To help avoid any issues with this step, make sure to unscrew the door slowly, though it’s also always a great idea to seek the help of a professional.

Step Four: Prepare the New Door

Before installing the new door, prepare the frame by cleaning it thoroughly and making any repairs, that is, if any are needed. This might include patching holes or replacing worn-out weather stripping, or even repairing the door frame itself. 

The overall purpose of this step is to clean the frame so that it is structurally sound enough to support the new door.

Step Five: Install the New Door

Align the new exterior door with your current frame.

Take the extra time to make sure it opens and closes smoothly, and make adjustments as needed.

Once you have it in position and feel confident about its placement, secure the door firmly to the frame using screws and hardware. Check the alignment horizontally and vertically to ensure the door is perfectly balanced.

Step Six: Finishing Touches

Once the door is attached, seal the door’s perimeter with caulk to prevent drafts and apply weather stripping for additional insulation.

Install the necessary hardware, like locks and handles, and make final adjustments to ensure the door operates smoothly. Once all that is complete, you’re attached to a new exterior door to your previous door’s frame.

Replace Your Exterior Doors with Metrie

Masonite Lifestyle Green 6 Panel Exterior Door

Upgrading your home’s exterior doors can enhance both its appearance and functionality. 

With Metrie, you can achieve this without replacing the entire door frame. Interested in finding an exterior door without a frame?

Explore our selection of premium doors and find the perfect fit for your home today.

All you have to do is contact us today and let us bring your vision to life!